Wednesday, July 1, 2009

name poem

michael jackson
singing star singing at the moon and the stars, howling word in a song sing legend loved by all

In memory of Michael Jackson
may he always be remembered


  1. My sister and I used to dress up like Michael and make up dances to the song Billie Jean. Then we would perform for our parents and their friends!

  2. My mom has been a fan of M.J. since she was a teenager in Asia so my siblings and I grew up listening to him. He is probably the only superstar who is so widely-known by everyone around the world--he definitely is a legend.

  3. kool chris i liked m.j. 2 like you said let m.j. be remembered

  4. cool thing u said cause i agree that he was and will be the only king of pop in my lifetime and that is awsome dat ur remembering him
