Wednesday, June 9, 2010

LAKERS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LAKERS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the LAKERS WON THE GOD DAMN CELTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fischer played realy well. but cobe missed alot of Shots but the LAKERS Still won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

big trouble

so today in the morning in my first period class my friend sent me a note saying that paul called me a pussy bitch. so im like HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!! so i write back answer with some very strong words . so i tell my friend to give it to my other friend and she accidentally gives it to paul. so paul snitches to the teacher and the teacher makes a big deal of it and he ends up saying that he's going to give it to the deans. but i haven't been called up by the deans yet?????????????????????
im finally stating to do my blog agian :). i'll keep on dooing my blog for as much as i can so expect to read alot

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

im soooooo sad cuz my ipod got broken. when i fixed it i lost it. im trying to buy a new one. but they cost to much. the cheapest one i could find was $149.00. so i hope someone will buy me one for christmas......

on a lighter note christmas is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!! we got an artificial tree with lights included im so happy now that christmas is almost here!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

there are many good books in the library about medieval and renaissance europe. but i got 5 good books to talk about. they are Proud Taste for Scarlet and Minner, Aurelia, The Ramsay Scallop, Pagan's Crusade, And Bloody jack. these books are really good books. i would really recommend these books because my librian recommended these books to me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

i now see all my music videos on its one of the few music websites not blocked at my school. i barely found it 5 minutes ago and i love it!!!!!!! :) the only reason i found it was cuz all the websites a blocked. i think you should go to this website.
i love taylor swift she is so cool cuz her video of you belong with me is so cute she dresses and looks like a nerd. so cute!!! :) at the end she looks so nice and she puts a sign that says i love you to her best friend and he puts a same sign up too.

Monday, November 23, 2009

sometimes teachers ask me for movies about American world history. so i recommend them these movies roots, Gettysburg, and the blue and the gray. i found roots by asking a teacher and i found the other books by looking around. i picked these books because i found the titles interesting.

Friday, November 13, 2009

so like i want to know how a planet forms. I'm really curios on how planets form cuz how did the earth form? i have some theories: 1. they form under high pressure and heat, 2. gases mix together formin a. gas planet those are pretty much my reasons. if u have any other theories comment on this blog.
once in my 6th grade science class i had to do a project on the artic biome. it was so cool because i had to show illastrations about how it looks. so i drew a piture on the computer. then i went to google to look for info and i got a whole bunch of info of how animals survive in the tundra and their adaptions and how plants survive in that cold climate.
yesterday was my birthday and im 12 years old!!!!!! my parents did a party and i got a total of 60 dollars for my birthday. i also got 2 shirts, a pair of really cool Vans ( i got the shirts and vans from my godmother), some really nice pair of polo assoc. shoes, and some cologne. im really happy!!!!! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

when i want to know something i always ask my teachers. they always get annoyed because i just keep on asking questions. well i know i can be annoying but isnt that why teachers are here? to help us learn.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Message
by John DonneSend home my long stray'd eyes to me,
Which, O! too long have dwelt on thee;
Yet since there they have learn'd such ill,
Such forced fashions,
And false passions,
That they be
Made by thee
Fit for no good sight, keep them still.
Send home my harmless heart again,
Which no unworthy thought could stain;
Which if it be taught by thine
To make jestings
Of protestings,
And break both
Word and oath,
Keep it, for then 'tis none of mine.
Yet send me back my heart and eyes,
That I may know, and see thy lies,
And may laugh and joy, when thou
Art in anguish
And dost languish
For some one
That will none,
Or prove as false as thou art now.

this was the poem that made me a poet. i was so inspired by it that i thought " maybe i can be the next John Donne" and many teachers have helped me. but the one that has believed in from the start is My english teacher MS.DILTHY
my science teacher mr.contreras is so funny:D. he makes us laugh by telling us stories of his life. we did a cool expiriment with meal worms. the mealworms were so cute. ;D we are also doing a experiment using the law of reflection

Thursday, August 13, 2009

my teacher mz.murphy is so cool :). she is so nice. she even controls my impulsive behavior!! and she is getting married. :o she really deserves it!!! :) i hope you live a happy life. ;)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OMG!!!!!!!!!! what happen to me was a oobe! so heres what happened im coming home from school on friday and there is a new blue honda behind us. then a white van comes barreling out of a parking lot and it hits the honda i was so shocked!!! :0. so the honda is spinning on the sidewalk and the white van is on the edge of the sidewalk tipping over but it doesnt :D . i was so scared i was almost lol out loud

Monday, August 3, 2009


when i call to the heavans thunder hits it's mark fire burns bright ice chills the night i whisper some words that make the night bright
i think the twilight movie was s*** because it was so diffrent than the book. when i first saw it last year i loved it but then i changed my mind. i wonder if new moon will be the same.......
i just finished reading Chosen a house of the night novel. it was SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the best is at the end when erick sees zoey doing some thing so bad. but its not her fault she was imprinted and tricked. i just cant wait to read the next book. i give it a 10

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

most people call me a wannabe goth. but i just ignore them. they say that because my parents dont let me wear pure black or hear rocker music. sometimes i wish they just let me be who i am. but i know they think i might turn satanic but i know that they just want the best for me.

Friday, July 24, 2009

i like to listen to Altenative Rock. my favorite bands are paramore, fall out boy, and three days grace. they are my favorite because their songs are so cool. when i listen to their songs im like in another world. my least favorite are slipknot.
my teacher made a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE power point that i think shuold get a 3. it was about twilight. i gave it a three because the format was o.k but when i chose a path it didnt change slides i had to press the arrow keys to move it so it really does deserve a three in my opinion
i once saw my friend post something bad about another person. i was cracking up when she posted it, but i saw a video on cyberbullying and i really feel bad. but i cant say sorry because he is a ninth grader and im a seventh grader.+0
i really want to read the third book in THE HOUSE OF NIGHT series. it's called chosen my friend has it. im so jelauos

Monday, July 20, 2009

brainpop results

i took 3 brainpop tests snd they are: AIDS, hormones, and cyber bullying. i got 10 out of 10 on AIDS,hormones and 8 out of 10 on cyber bullying

Thursday, July 16, 2009

hunger games

the hunger games is the best book i read in the week. it was so good espacilially when the main character volenturers to go to the games. there events so shocking and sad it brought me to tears. i would really recommend this book.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

name poem

michael jackson
singing star singing at the moon and the stars, howling word in a song sing legend loved by all

In memory of Michael Jackson
may he always be remembered