Monday, November 23, 2009

sometimes teachers ask me for movies about American world history. so i recommend them these movies roots, Gettysburg, and the blue and the gray. i found roots by asking a teacher and i found the other books by looking around. i picked these books because i found the titles interesting.

Friday, November 13, 2009

so like i want to know how a planet forms. I'm really curios on how planets form cuz how did the earth form? i have some theories: 1. they form under high pressure and heat, 2. gases mix together formin a. gas planet those are pretty much my reasons. if u have any other theories comment on this blog.
once in my 6th grade science class i had to do a project on the artic biome. it was so cool because i had to show illastrations about how it looks. so i drew a piture on the computer. then i went to google to look for info and i got a whole bunch of info of how animals survive in the tundra and their adaptions and how plants survive in that cold climate.
yesterday was my birthday and im 12 years old!!!!!! my parents did a party and i got a total of 60 dollars for my birthday. i also got 2 shirts, a pair of really cool Vans ( i got the shirts and vans from my godmother), some really nice pair of polo assoc. shoes, and some cologne. im really happy!!!!! :)