Friday, August 21, 2009

The Message
by John DonneSend home my long stray'd eyes to me,
Which, O! too long have dwelt on thee;
Yet since there they have learn'd such ill,
Such forced fashions,
And false passions,
That they be
Made by thee
Fit for no good sight, keep them still.
Send home my harmless heart again,
Which no unworthy thought could stain;
Which if it be taught by thine
To make jestings
Of protestings,
And break both
Word and oath,
Keep it, for then 'tis none of mine.
Yet send me back my heart and eyes,
That I may know, and see thy lies,
And may laugh and joy, when thou
Art in anguish
And dost languish
For some one
That will none,
Or prove as false as thou art now.

this was the poem that made me a poet. i was so inspired by it that i thought " maybe i can be the next John Donne" and many teachers have helped me. but the one that has believed in from the start is My english teacher MS.DILTHY
my science teacher mr.contreras is so funny:D. he makes us laugh by telling us stories of his life. we did a cool expiriment with meal worms. the mealworms were so cute. ;D we are also doing a experiment using the law of reflection

Thursday, August 13, 2009

my teacher mz.murphy is so cool :). she is so nice. she even controls my impulsive behavior!! and she is getting married. :o she really deserves it!!! :) i hope you live a happy life. ;)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

OMG!!!!!!!!!! what happen to me was a oobe! so heres what happened im coming home from school on friday and there is a new blue honda behind us. then a white van comes barreling out of a parking lot and it hits the honda i was so shocked!!! :0. so the honda is spinning on the sidewalk and the white van is on the edge of the sidewalk tipping over but it doesnt :D . i was so scared i was almost lol out loud

Monday, August 3, 2009


when i call to the heavans thunder hits it's mark fire burns bright ice chills the night i whisper some words that make the night bright
i think the twilight movie was s*** because it was so diffrent than the book. when i first saw it last year i loved it but then i changed my mind. i wonder if new moon will be the same.......
i just finished reading Chosen a house of the night novel. it was SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the best is at the end when erick sees zoey doing some thing so bad. but its not her fault she was imprinted and tricked. i just cant wait to read the next book. i give it a 10